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Accession IconGSE7473

HNF1-alpha inactivation promotes lipogenesis in human hepatocellular adenoma independently of SREBP1 & ChREBP activation

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 9 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array (hgu133a)

Submitter Supplied Information

Biallelic inactivating mutations of the transcription factor 1 gene (TCF1), encoding hepatocyte nuclear factor 1a (HNF1a), were identified in 50% of hepatocellular adenomas (HCA) phenotypically characterized by a striking steatosis. To understand the molecular basis of this aberrant lipid storage, we performed a microarray transcriptome analysis validated by quantitative RT-PCR, western-blotting and lipid profiling. In mutated HCA, we showed a repression of gluconeogenesis coordinated with an activation of glycolysis, citrate shuttle and fatty acid synthesis predicting elevated rates of lipogenesis. Moreover, the strong dowregulation of L-FABP suggests that impaired fatty acid trafficking may also contribute to the fatty phenotype. In addition, transcriptional profile analysis of the observed deregulated genes in non-HNF1a-mutated HCA as well as in non-tumor livers allowed us to define a specific signature of the HNF1a-mutated HCA. In theses tumors, lipid composition was dramatically modified according to the transcriptional deregulations identified in the fatty acid synthetic pathway. Surprisingly, lipogenesis activation did not operate through SREBP-1 and ChREBP that were repressed. We conclude that steatosis in HNF1a-mutated HCA results mainly from an aberrant promotion of lipogenesis that is linked to HNF1a inactivation and that is independent of both SREBP-1 and ChREBP activation. Finally, our findings have potential clinical implications since lipogenesis can be efficiently inhibited by targeted therapies.
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