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Accession IconSRP032317

Genomic and Proteomic Analyses of Prdm5 Reveal Interactions with Insulator Binding Proteins in Embryonic Stem Cells (RNA-seq)

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 12 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina Genome Analyzer II

Submitter Supplied Information

PRDM proteins belong to the SET domain protein family, which is involved in the regulation of gene expression. Although few PRDM members possess histone methyltransferase activity, the molecular mechanisms by which the other members exert transcriptional regulation remain to be delineated. In this study, we find that Prdm5 is highly expressed in mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells and exploit this cellular system to characterize molecular functions of Prdm5. By combining proteomics and next-generation sequencing technologies, we identify Prdm5 interaction partners and genomic occupancy. We demonstrate that although Prdm5 is dispensable for mES cell maintenance, it directly targets genomic regions involved in early embryonic development and affects the expression of a subset of developmental regulators during cell differentiation. Importantly, Prdm5 interacts with Ctcf, cohesin, and TFIIIC and cooccupies genomic loci. In summary, our data indicate how Prdm5 modulates transcription by interacting with factors involved in genome organization in mouse embryonic stem cells. Overall design: For each condition (ATRA-induced differentiation model and LIF cytokine deprivation) three replicate are available for both Prdm5 wt mES cells and Prdm5 KO mES cells, for a total of 12 samples
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