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Accession IconSRP066571

Expression changes in Melanomas pre MAPKi treatment vs. on MAPKi treatment (RNA-seq)

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 39 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Treatment of advanced V600BRAF mutant melanoma using a BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi) or its combination with a MEKi typically elicits partial responses. We compared the transcriptomes of patient-derived tumors regressing on MAPKi therapy against MAPKi-induced temporal transcriptomic states in human melanoma cell lines or murine melanoma in immune-competent mice. Despite heterogeneous dynamics of clinical tumor regression, residual tumors displayed highly recurrent transcriptomic alterations and enriched processes, which were also observed in MAPKi-selected cell lines (implying tumor cell-intrinsic reprogramming) or in bulk mouse tumors (and the CD45-negative or -positive fractions,, implying tumor cell-intrinsic or stromal/immune alterations, respectively). Tumor cell-intrinsic reprogramming attenuated MAPK-dependency, while enhancing mesenchymal, angiogenic and IFN-inflammatory features and growth/survival dependence on multi-RTKs and PD-L2. In the immune compartment, PD-L2 upregulation in CD11c+ immunocytes drove the loss of T-cell inflammation and promoted BRAFi resistance. Thus, residual melanoma early on MAPKi therapy already displays potentially exploitable adaptive transcriptomic, epigenomic, immune-regulomic alterations. Overall design: Paired melanoma biopsies/cell lines before treatment, during treatment and after resistance to MAPKi were sent for transcriptomic analysis by paired end 2x100bp HiSeq 2000 RNAseq analysis
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