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Accession IconSRP188447

Highly-motile versus unsorted MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 24 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 3000

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The challenge of predicting which patients with breast cancer will develop metastases leads to the overtreatment of patients with benign disease and to the inadequate treatment of the aggressive cancers. Here, we report the development and testing of a microfluidic assay that quantifies the abundance and proliferation of migratory cells in breast-cancer specimens, for the assessment of their metastatic propensity and for the rapid screening of potential antimetastatic therapeutics. On the basis of the key roles of cell motility and proliferation in cancer metastasis, the device accurately predicts the metastatic potential of breast-cancer cell lines and of patient-derived xenografts. Compared to unsorted cancer cells, highly motile cells isolated by the device exhibited similar tumourigenic potential but markedly increased metastatic propensity in vivo. RNA sequencing of the highly motile cells revealed an enrichment of motility-related and survival-related genes. The approach might be developed into a companion assay for the prediction of metastasis in patients and for the selection of effective therapeutic regimens. Overall design: RNA was isolated from samples of 1000 migratory or unsorted cells in triplicate
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